North Sydney

Tim O'Halloran

Director | North Sydney
Email agent

Tim is proud to be part of the team with its industry leadership & best reputation in real estate.

Tim began his working life in finance and before switching to real estate and spent time working for Deutsche Bank in Sydney, then BT and Morgan Stanley in London for several years.

Property allowed Tim to develop a career that gave him variety, an opportunity to meet people and unshackled him from the indoor desk and office environment.

The years in finance proved an advantage facilitating his move into commercial real estate working in both Property Management and Sales and Leasing. While carving out a career in property he studied Valuation and followed that up at UTS Graduate Certificate in Property and Planning.

Determined to be master of his own destiny Tim became a Director and part-owner of what was then First National North Sydney in 2005 with responsibility for both Commercial and Residential property management and oversight of the Residential Sales teams.

Alongside Mark he has steered the company through more than a fifteen years of growth with an emphasis on personal service and nurturing a business culture that rewards and encourages team members. It is a point of pride that staff turnover is low and client satisfaction high.

Outside of Real Estate, Tim and his wife are kept very busy raising three active children and all that entails. Tim also enjoys keeping fit and is an active cyclist, runner, surfer and all things outdoors!

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